Karol Sektas

Ecommerce Manager

Karol is passionate about all things digital and specialize in driving ecommerce success. Currently, He is the Ecommerce Manager at iHelios Living Reinvented, where he  develop and execute winning strategies that optimize online sales and enhance the customer experience.

He is responsible for overseeing all aspects of our ecommerce presence, from website development and online marketing campaigns to data analysis and trend forecasting. One of my key focuses is on seamlessly integrating various systems to ensure smooth operations and enhance overall efficiency.

With a keen eye on industry trends and consumer behavior, He continuously strive to drive digital growth and innovation. He adept at leveraging data-driven insights to make informed decisions, ultimately boosting online revenue and exceeding customer expectations.


Smart Remote Control
A touchscreen monitor displaying a user interface for a self-checkout payment system is in focus. The screen shows various options including "Kids Menu" and "Total." The background is blurred, with visible lights and indistinct objects suggesting a restaurant setting.
Smart home devices are arranged on a white surface next to potted plants. The devices include a small camera on a stand, two round sensors, and a round clock. The background is minimalistic, featuring a white wall and green plants.
A hand pointing towards a fingerprint scanner on a sleek, black smart lock mounted on a gray door. The lock appears to have a cover sliding upward, partially revealing the fingerprint sensor and a small keypad.

Let’s embark on this journey of transformation, creating a sustainable legacy
for generations to come.

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