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Chaleur sans gaspil

Adoptez l’éco-chauffage infrarouge long

Découvrez lefutur du confort domestique grâce à notre système de chauffage infrarouge économe en énergie. Dites adieu aux matins froids et bonjour à iHelios, et profitez d'une chaleur durable qui prend soin de vous et de l'environnement.

Une app pour tout gérer

Smart Home

Notre technologie intelligente vous permet de contrôler votre système de chauffage de n'importe où et à tout moment et d'ajouter nos appareils domotiques intelligents pour contrôler l'accès, la sécurité, l'éclairage, la puissance, etc. Grâce à notre application conviviale, vous pouvez facilement gérer et automatiser votre maison ou votre espace d’entreprise en fonction de vos besoins.

Pourquoi choisir iHelios Living

Thermal image of a kitchen with temperature readings. The ceiling shows high temperatures up to 39.0°C marked in red, while the general room temperature is indicated at 21.7°C. The counter area is cooler at 19.3°C. The thermal camera settings are displayed at the top.
  • Invisible
  • 0 maintenance
  • Plus de radiateurs
  • Réduit l'humidité
A black digital thermostat displaying the temperature. The screen shows 20°C as the current room temperature and 26°C as the set temperature. It also shows the time (18:00), a padlock icon, a Wi-Fi signal icon, and several other function icons.
  • Interface propriétaire
  • Température maximale
  • Fonction à code
  • Fonction de planification
  • Détection statique des occupants et détection des mouvements
A smartphone screen displays a smart home app interface. The app shows the home temperature as 26°C, humidity at 92%, and air quality as excellent. Below that, there is an option to unlock a smart lock with a blue "Unlock" button.
  • Contrôle total de n'importe où
  • Automatisation
A house with orange tiled roofs features multiple solar panels arranged in an organized fashion. The sky is clear with a single white cloud in the background. The solar panels are positioned to capture optimal sunlight.
  • Indépendance énergétique
  • Efficacité énergétique améliorée
  • Coûts énergétiques réduits
The times logo
PBC Today LogoEcoWatch LogoThe image displays the logo of "Grand Designs" with the words written in bold, black, uppercase letters in a clean and modern font.Elemental Logo
BBC LogoIrish Examiner LogoIndustrial News LogoSciTech DigitalForbes LogoiHLS logoNation of Change Logo

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Latest Blog Posts

July 10, 2024

Introducing the iHelios Advanced Occupancy Sensor

In this thought-provoking blog post, we explore the importance of architectural conservation and the value of preserving historical buildings.



Smart Remote Control
A touchscreen monitor displaying a user interface for a self-checkout payment system is in focus. The screen shows various options including "Kids Menu" and "Total." The background is blurred, with visible lights and indistinct objects suggesting a restaurant setting.
Smart home devices are arranged on a white surface next to potted plants. The devices include a small camera on a stand, two round sensors, and a round clock. The background is minimalistic, featuring a white wall and green plants.
A hand pointing towards a fingerprint scanner on a sleek, black smart lock mounted on a gray door. The lock appears to have a cover sliding upward, partially revealing the fingerprint sensor and a small keypad.

Let’s embark on this journey of transformation, creating a sustainable legacy
for generations to come.

iHelios partners with Phoenix International to expand market presence into the Middle East
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